Community Tutoring Volunteers

  • Donya

    In 2015, Donya, saw a need in her community and set her mind to finding a solution. Since then, she has had a team of volunteers to help her vision become a reality.

    Donya, is a sign language interpreter with the Knox County School system. For years she has poured into the youth in the Knoxville Community, through dance, and programs such as community festivals, open gym, and youth ministry. Donya’s passion is to see kids living up to their greatest potential, she believes it is vital to encourage our children and give them the support they need to do better.

  • Ashley

    Ashley became a volunteer with Community Tutoring in 2017, when her sons began attending the program. Her support for community tutoring has gone way past the normal parent tutoring relationship as she saw a need in the program and chose to pitch in to fill it.

    Ashley currently sits on the Community Tutoring Board of directors, as well as benefiting the program with her nursing expertise. During these unpredictable times, it is always beneficial to have a nurse on hand.

  • Theresa

    Ms. Theresa became a volunteer in 2018, and is a great asset to the Community Tutoring Family. Ms. Theresa helps us in more ways than just tutoring. She is constantly spreading the word and finding donors for our organization.

    She Graduated from the University of TN Knoxville, with a BS Industrial Education Training and Supervision.

    Retired from Rohm and Haas Co. (Currently Dow Chemical) - HR Specialist

    Retired from Knox County Schools - Secretary Counseling Office - Austin-East High School

    Currently: Church Clerk, Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church; TN Conference Home Missions Treasurer (17 years)

  • Jr. Volunteer - Marianna

    Marianna, just joined us Fall 2021, and has been a great addition to the Community Tutoring Family. She is a senior at West High school, and has extended her time with us past her required volunteer hours because of her love for our students.